Boy's Council

Boys Council program implements a research-proven curriculum and allows interaction between a certified Community Educator and young males. The programs administered try to give boys different perspectives of what it takes to be a male in today's society by addressing different stereotypes. The programs engage boys in activities, dialogue and self-expression to question these stereotypical concepts.
The core lessons of Boys Council include: experiencing the feeling of belonging and connection with adults and peers; discovering the principles they want to live by; recognizing others' perspective and experiences; developing empathic skills; participating in fun and stimulating activites; finding motivation and courage to act on their principles; desiring to act with self-respect; finding respect for girls and women and for all those that they perceive as vulnerable; embracing the power within themselves and within their bonds as a community; learning to be allies with one another and within all of their relationships and finding restored hope, belief and skills to live a good life.
For more information or for getting a Community Educator to facilitate Girls Circle or Boys Council at your school, club, group or organization, please call (803) 648-3456.

2015 Aiken Youth Empowerment Program Stats

"Way to Go, Guys!"
In 2015, 119 boys participated in the Boys Council (formerly Wise Guys) program in 9 different schools. The curricula changed, therefore the reported numbers may differ from 2014.

  • 93.2% of the boys reported that they had not used tobacco, alcohol or drugs during the past 30 days of being involved in the Boys Council program
  • 39.0% reported an approximate increase in their feelings of perceived social support from peers and adults through the Modified Aggression Scale - Caring, Cooperation Behaviors sub-survey
  • 68.3% of the boys reported an approximate increase in their feelings of positive or healthy masculinity ideology

2014 Aiken Youth Empowerment Program Stats

"Hey, Fellas!"
In 2014, 136 boys participated in the Wise Guys program in 7 different schools. *Boys Council has replaced Wise Guys for the 2015-2016 school-year.

  • 27.5% of the boys had an increase in feelings of self-efficacy
  • 31.0% of the boys had an increase in feelings of social support
  • 25.0% of the boys ahd an increase in their overall perception of their body

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