Did You Know?
- For every 49 minutes you are on Facebook, a South Carolina teen gets pregnant.
- In South Carolina, 21 teens (ages 15-19) give birth every day.
- ONLY 43.8% of 9th graders report that they have had sex. (This does not include those who did not report it.)
- One teen birth costs South Carolina taxpayers approximately $3,300 annually – the cost to Aiken County taxpayers in 2009 was approximately $840,000.
- In South Carolina, 1 in 4 sexually-active teen acquires an STD/STI. Approximately 72% of sexually-active Aiken County teens believe they are not, or are at very little risk of contracting an STD/STI.
Did you also know that not everyone is doing it? Click on the link for “Stay Teen” below to find out more and receive resources that can help you avoid the pressures to have sex.
If you are having sex, it is important to protect yourself so you don’t get/get someone pregnant or contract an STD. If you or someone you know is sexually active, it is also important to use protection EVERY time and to get tested regularly. To find out more on how to protect yourself, click the link for “Carolina Teen Health” below to locate a clinic near you.