Parent Power

Parent Power delivers resources and conducts workshops for parents and guardians.  These workshops empower parents by giving them the tools they need to engage in meaningful conversations throughout their child’s life.

Parent Power includes:

  • Resource books and DVDs – both Christian and non-Christian. These materials are available at the Aiken and Nancy Carson Libraries (some Spanish versions are also available). We also have a library of resources in our office that can be loaned out, upon request.
  • Workshops are conducted at churches, worksites, schools and other community organizations. Topics include (but are not limited to): “Parent-Child Connectedness” and “Can We Talk? – Having Age-Appropriate Talks from Toddler to Teen."

Aiken Youth Empowerment Community Educator Kevin Banks is also a certified facilitator in the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training "Darkness to Light Stewards of Children" curriculum.  According to the website, this curriculum is "an evidence-informed prevention solution that increases knowledge, improves attitudes and changes child protective behaviors and offers practical prevention training with a conversational, real-world approach."  For more information about Stewards of Children visit:  To learn more about the training and its components, contact Kevin Banks at (803) 648-3456.

For more information regarding our Parent Power workshops or for retrieving other resources, please contact our Community Educators at (803) 648-3456.

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